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26. februar


Vpis v jezikovne tečaje še do 8. marca


Še do petka, 8. marca je čas za vpis v jezikovne tečaje. Pokličete nas lahko vsak dan med 8. in 17. uro na 080 10 42.
Če imate predznanje, lahko rešite spletni test. Potem se pogovorite še s profesorico in izberete ustrezno skupino. 
Cenik tečajev najdete tule, nekaj naših profesorjev pa lahko spoznate v kratkem videu






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13. januar 2013

Rubrika: učenje tujih jezikov

11 angleških besed, ki jih boste verjetno narobe izgovorili


"You’re wrong as the deuce/And you shouldn’t rejoice/
If you’re calling him Seuss/He pronounces it Soice" (or Zoice).


Let's put the kibosh, pronounced "KY-bosh," on saying this word like "kuh-BOSH."


An initial hard (k) sound is the standard, but linguists say the (s) sound emerged as far back as the 17th century. Still, you'll sound ridiculous (but correct!) if you bring that hard (k) to a Boston Celtics basketball game.


This word sounds just like "controller." If you're tempted to pronounce that silent (pt), please comptroll yourself!


Maybe it's because it's one letter short of "cachet." Maybe it's just more fun to mispronounce. This words sounds just like "cash."


This word meaning "deception by trickery" is aptly tricky to pronounce. The beginning (ch) sound is "sh," as in "Chicago." The French pronounce the word "shih-connery," which makes it easy to remember the definition. However, Americans love a long (a) and tend to pronounce it "shih-cane-a-ree." Choose your own adventure.


You'll be the butt of the joke if you pronounce this "BAY-nul." It's "buh-NAHL."


If pronouncing it "a-FLU-ent" is wrong, some people don't want to be right. The stress on this word is supposed to be on the first syllable—"AFF-lu-ent." But stressing the second syllable became so mainstream that dictionaries started validating the pronunciation in the 1980s.


Pronunciation quirks and mistakes happen when people try to read and speak by the rules. Too bad the English language doesn't always make sense. The past tense of "forbid" was originally supposed to be spelled and pronounced "for-bad." But then people started spelling it "forbade" and rhyming it with "made." Now linguists say the word sounds archaic any way you say it. Most people use "forbid" as a past or present-tense verb.


Okay, so maybe this word's not that commonly used. But now that you know it's pronounced "bo-sun," you might find more reasons to work it into conversation.


When this word was borrowed from French in the 17th century, it was quickly Anglicized to rhyme with "itch." But in the 20th century, more people embraced a true French pronunciation and decided to pronounce it "neesh." Both are correct.

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13. januar 2013

Rubrika: učenje tujih jezikov

Steven Pinker - kako naši možgani procesirajo jezik

Steven Pinker pravi, da je jezik okno v katerem se prikazuje človeška narava. Obenem je jezik kombinatorični sistem algoritmov, ki temelji na prirojenih mentalnih strukturah. Povezava izkušenj, učenja in novih jezikovnih kombinacij s prirojenimi govornimi sposobnostmi pa lahko pomaga razviti metode učenja tujih jezikov, ki so prilagojene načinom mentalnega procesiranja v naših možganih.


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11. januar 2013

Nomophobia - strah pred izgubo mobilnega telefona


Če vas je strah, da bi izgubili mobilni telefon, niste edini. V letu 2012 se je uveljavil izraz nomofobija, strah pred izgubo mobilnega telefona in vseh številk v njem. Oglejte si še listo ostalih fobij.

The study found that nearly 53% of mobile phone users in Britain tend to be anxious when they "lose their mobile phone, run out of battery or credit, or have no network coverage". The study found that about 58% of men and 48% of women suffer from the phobia, and an additional 9% feel stressed when their mobile phones are off. The study sampled 2,163 people. Fifty-five percent of those surveyed cited keeping in touch with friends or family as the main reason that they got anxious when they could not use their mobile phones.


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10. januar 2013

Prevajanje telefonskih pogovorov v živo


Prevajanje govora v realnem času postaja realnost. Na voljo imate različen aplikacije, ki vašo angleščino prevedejo v kitajsko mandarinščino in obratno, tako da boste s svojim sogovornikom komunicirate v svojem jeziku on pa vas sliši v kitajskem. Ena od takih storitev je Lexifon, ki prevaja v 10 jezikov.


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9. januar 2013

Izrazi, ki so najbolj zaznamovali leto 2012 - doga, eastwooding, fracking, gangam style


New York Times je objavil listo izrazov, ki so v letu 2012 obogatili angleški besednjak.


 In explaining during a debate that he often sought to hire women while he was governor of Massachusetts, Mr. Romney said he was given “whole binders full of women” to consider as candidates for government jobs. The comment was widely ridiculed, since it made it seem as though he knew so few qualified women that others had to find them for him.


 Yoga with a dog.


 Talking to an empty chair as if President Obama were sitting in it, as Clint Eastwood did at the 2012 Republican National Convention.


 The tax increases and spending cuts that will take effect Jan. 1 if Congress does not pass legislation to block them. One worry is that a plunge would stall or reverse the nation’s climb out of the recession.


 Hydraulic fracturing, a method of extracting natural gas or oil from shale formations. Although the word is not new, it became commonplace as the extraction practice grew more widespread, producing an abundance of natural gas but also raising concerns about possible environmental and health risks.


The manner and attitude ascribed to the affluent Gangnam District of Seoul, South Korea. This term came to the attention of the world when the Korean pop star PSY released the song and video “Gangnam Style.” His signature “galloping pony ride” dance was the macarena of 2012.

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