Tečaj angleščine B1-1

jezikovni tečaji - jezikovna šola Panteon College

Tečaj angleščine B1-1 je namenjen slušateljem s predznanjem angleščine na nivoju B1-1.

Udeleženci svoje znanje angleščine razširijo s strukturami na intermediate nivoju. Komunicirajo tudi v zahtevnejših vsakodnevnih situacijah in aktivno sodelujejo v diskurzu.

Znajo se predstaviti in opisati sebe in svoj poklic, znajo se orientirati v angleškem okolju, zlahka napišejo mail ali poslovni dopis.

Učbenik: English File Intermediate Third Edition (prvi del).

Trajanje: 40 šolskih ur.  



Great texts that motivate students to talk

Four-skills syllabus with a clear focus on pronunciation

Level-specific features to address learners’ different needs

New English File iTools for Beginner and Advanced – new digital classroom resources

Online support, resources and lesson ideas


Video Lessons

Free Resources



Language Point:

Practical English (7)

Phrasal verbs (2)

Pronunciation (5)

Vocabulary (24)

How Words Work (7)

Grammar (46)

Games (9)

TopicAppearance (2)

Cinema (2)

Education (2)

Food (2)

Houses (2)

Money (2)

Personality (2)

Shopping (2)

Sport (2)

Transport and travel (2)

Work (2) 


Meet Rob and Jenny! 

Rob is from London, Jenny lives in New York. See what happens when they bump into each other in a London street.


English File third edition introduces brand new drama, filmed on location in London and New York. Culturally rich video material presents practical language useful in everyday situation — both at work and in your free time.


Watch the video and tell us what you think! What video activity ideas can you share with other teachers?


Practical English


File 1 Introductions

File 2 In the office

File 3 Renting a flat

File 4 A visit from a pop star

File 5 Meetings

File 6 Breaking news

File 7 Everything in the open